Friday, January 05, 2007

What is "anonymous"

What is "anonymous" really? I think in the blogger community it means one of two things.

One being the person can't figure out how to attach a name to their post. . . .which is understandable as it can be confusing for "non-computer literate" people. . . .however most of those people are intelligent enough to leave some type of signature indicating who they are.

Two being the person is too cowardly to actually leave a signature and let anyone know who they are. I've seen this on a number of message boards & blogs I've been to. It seems some people only have courage to speak their mind when no one knows who they are.

I enjoy posting silly things on my blog, giving my friends & others things to laugh about, poke fun of me about, maybe even to learn (these "learning" posts must be coming in 2007), but I don't enjoy people who don't have a backbone. . . .who feel the need to post their thoughts for the world to see while hiding behind a little tag that says "anonymous".

If you're going to read my blog great. If not, fine. I don't really care. But if you're going to take the time to make comments here - have the courtesy to attach your name at the end of the comment. This world is a crappy enough place without us slamming each other on message boards & blogs. If you're going to be an jerk, I think we'd at least like to know who the hell you are.


Anonymous said...

Word. I don't let anyone leave comments if they are anonymous.

jwm said...

yep.. you can disable that.

Dano said...

But what if my name was... Dan Anonymous or something like that?

I'm just sayin'......

I also find putting those letters in a box to post very weird.

I never heard of anyone having problems in regards to that.

MTB Girl said...

I think if your last name was anonymous, and you tagged your first name in there, I'd be ok with the posts. ;-)

And the letters are a pain, but when I took them way, I got hit with all kinds of spam postings and I'd have to go through and find them to take them out.

So really, I'm just lazy is what it boils down to. Therefore you'll have to type letters - unless I dish out some $$ to convert. . . .

I even have to type letters when I post to my OWN blog. How lame is that? ;-)

bmxmtbfam said...

starts with AN ends in US show everyone that are an ANUS

Christine said...

Give to um sister!

Anonymous said...

I never had those letter thingies and have never had a problem..

The re-awakening of an Athlete said...

You know I stumbled on your blog by chance and read that part about
"If you're going to read my blog great. If not, fine. I don't really care. But if you're going to take the time to make comments here - have the courtesy to attach your name at the end of the comment..." Interesting on saying on how you don't care or not. Then why blog? Why not write in a Word file and save the file to your own private PC? If you blog, you have something say to internet. Anyway, nice blog from what I have read.

MTB Girl said...

Yes, you are right. I do have something to say. I'm just not attached to reads it and who doesn't. Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brittany I can see now what computers have done to our existence....I'm glad I am one of those non-literate computer people because I think sometimes they have too much free time. Glad to see you are improving your single track skills because you will have one up on me this year, well maybe 2 because I might be watching you from the sidelines and handing water up to you if I am not fully recovered from my hip replacement. By the way I check your blog for FUN and it is very entertaining, keep the thoughts rolling. I've seen some that are terrible but yours is tops MTB GIRL!!
Tammi???? Think of a good MTB name for me and I will start a blog and become computer savvy too!!