Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hanging by a thread

Thank god it's almost Friday! This past week has been one of THE most difficult in my real estate career. Combine that with the fact that I can't relieve the stress by going out for a long ride on my bike and that makes things even worse.

I had a family almost homeless. . . . .and I managed to pull their transaction together with 15 minutes to spare. Their house closed here as they're sitting in South Carolina and the builder got the wire of funds just before close of business so he could hand them their keys. It was touch and go but in the end all went well and they had a place to sleep.

Today I went for chiropractic adjustment #2 and so far, so good. Also had my NMT massage (neuromuscular therapy massage) and she found a ton of spots/knots in my quads. . . .go figure. It's not like I've been using them. Also found some serious stress knots limiting the mobility of my shoulders. I think I'm falling apart MORE by NOT riding. Too funny.

Tomorrow has me attending one last nightmare closing and then I'm home free. . . . . .pack the camper & head to Devil's head. Both the chiropractor and the NMT (and the surgeon) Ok'ed riding the MTB as long as it's "easy, for a short period of time and doesn't inflict any pain". Sweet. I think I'll preride Devil's Head. Then I'll party cuz I don't have to race it. I HATE that race.


Spinninmud said...

Three stops to the chrio. and my back feels 100% better, it is something I would tell you to keep up. Monday was the worest day of pain I have ever had and today I feel great. Hope the chrio helps and you feel better.

Coffee King (CK) said...

With the ability to party Sat PM and Sunday, are the devil horns coming out again? Perhaps a different costume this time? Or maybe that's only for volunteer races? Either way, your the best water GIRL by far!

Mountaingoat said...

I want to see the horns.

Anonymous said...

Gotta wear the horns at DEVIL'S Head!