Sunday, August 20, 2006

So much to catch up on

There's so much to catch up on today. Yesterday we took the Virgin out to teach her some mountain bike skills. We found out she definitely needs clipless pedals & shoes. She rode the trails pretty good and seems excited to go back again. Maybe we'll hook her yet!

Then there were games. . . . . . .which I might point out I dominated at. And the tables were flipped with CK getting it handed to him this time (usually HE'S the one handing it to everyone else). And of course Bill & Squirt's battle. . . . .

Then today was the "girl thing". . . . . . .Amy's "bridal shower". Isn't it just fitting she climbed on the bar to open her gifts??

And of course here are the "3 hotties". . . . . . . . or as Amy referred to us at the shower "the 3 hottest girls in WORS". . . . . .

Amy got some cool stuff. . . . .lots of cookware. Maybe now she'll make us that "PIE" she keeps talking about. . . . . . .

1 comment:

Coffee King (CK) said...

That game was rigged. I lost so badly that I now deserve to win at Devil's Head.

Nice picture of the WORS "hotties" in something other than spandex.
