Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Taking Control

Have you ever felt so many things were beyond your control? I think I must be somewhat of a control freak - at least where my own health is concerned. Yesterday I decided waiting around for this disk issue to heal just isn't my style. I don't particularly like guessing at what I can and can't do, asking questions and getting no answers, being patient and seeing no results. So I decided nobody knows my body better than I do. . . .I might as well be the one to find the solution to fix it.

I started with ordering some books off Amazon.com to better inform me of exactly what's going on. I think part of my frustration is that I don't understand why I have to just "wait". What is that accomplishing? Hopefully some self-education will help in that respect.

Then I called my doctor to have him put me back in physical therapy. . . . .this time with a sports specific therapist. Someone who understands my need to be active and on my bike, someone who will help me find a way to ride. . . . .maybe not compete just yet, but at least RIDE.

Then I found a new chiropractor. A younger guy in West Bend who specializes in sports injuries and also works closely with physical therapists. I see him for my "free consultation" today. We'll see what he thinks is a good plan of attack.

And lastly I see my massage therapist on Thursday. She specializes in neuromuscular stuff. . . .and has training working with athletes as well. Hopefully she can help me with a plan to loosen my hamstrings, get the lumps out of my quads, and get my butt to stop hurting.

I'm thinking between ALL these professionals, and by educating myself, hopefully I can form a plan of attack that has me feeling like there's hope to race again. Whatever it takes to be back on my bike in a timely manner, without causing more damage, I'm in for trying. But sitting back for 6 months and "waiting" is NOT an option. I may not make my living as a professional cyclist, but my entire life is built around cycling. . . . . my friends. . . my activities. . . . my stress relief. . . .my fitness . . . . .everything. To NOT bike is not an option (unless it means I will DIE if I ride, then MAYBE I'll rethink that).

Cross your fingers for me and if you or anyone you know has back problems/issues, please share your stories with me. I'm trying to learn from this process and hopefully help others in the process.


bubba said...

One of my oldest friends dad was a top orthopedic surgeon in the midwest for years (now retired).
He says that the spine has not evolved fast enough to keep pace with the evolution of the human species. In other words your back would prefer you have much more body hair and walking on all fours. He claims that when it comes to the spine, proper diagnosis can take a long time. The key is to take control of your treatment which it seems like you are doing and maintaining your lifestyle while keeping the risk of further injury as low as possible during the process. Good luck

MTB Girl said...

Thanks Bubba!

Christine said...

Let me see if I can help you research this. I work with a bunch of top notch specailists at the Medical College and I am sure I could get you more information on this, or at least help point you too more resources.

MTB Girl said...

Thanks Christine. I appreciate the help.