Sunday, May 14, 2006


Every morning I wake up, roll over and hesitate before I roll out of bed, because I KNOW it's going to hurt when my feet hit the floor. A couple weeks ago I started experiencing what felt like a pinched nerve or something in my back. I have back problems to begin with (a "moderate" case of scoliosis has left some of the "facets" in my back rubbing on each other and as time goes by the bone degeneration has left me with what's pretty much been termed as "arthritis" in my lower back). Somehow the muscles around my spine must have once again been aggravated and now every day I feel the stabbing pain in my butt & lower back, with a pain that shoots down my leg.

I went to see the doctor earlier in the week and he confirmed that I've got a case of sciatica. He gave me a stronger anti-inflammatory than I usually take, and a mild muscle relaxer to ease the spasms. He also said it's likely it will just go away, as most of the issues that I've experienced in my back go away over time. Well, I keep waiting for that day I'll wake up and it's gone. That day hasn't come yet.

Thankfully riding my bike doesn't seem to have an effect on it. . . .if anything it almost makes it feel better. But I can sure respect what mountaingoat is going through, and I have a simple "pinched nerve". It begins to make you just a little annoyed when the body hurts all the time.

Well, as they say, getting older sucks. I guess I have many more years to look forward to of aches and pains. Great. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Mountaingoat said...

"A little annoyed when the body hurts all the time", I know exactly what you mean.