Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Finally. . . . .THE SUN!

Finally there was a break in the gloomy weather today and the sun poked out for a little while. It almost blinded me, I'm so unaccustomed to it. But I took full advantage of the couple hours I had between appointments this afternoon to hop on my bike and get a ride OUTSIDE in. Sweet. Of course it seemed to hurt more than I expected. . . maybe it's because I've just been stuffing my face with bon bons since Iola. . . . . . . . .or at least that's what everyone THINKS I do. . . . .


Coffee King (CK) said...

Those bon bons just need to be purged out of your system and you'll be back to putting the hurt on the sport women again. Just have to get you back into racing form by Sunday, no sooner.

Anonymous said...

It suckered me in with it's deceptive rays. Yep, started out sunny, warm, inviting but little by little changed to a dark, hoovering, ominious cloud that just would NOT go away. It was like I was actually training...felt like I was doing intervals trying to run from it. To no avail...got stuck in it for at least an hour.