Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Over Worked

Over worked, under paid. . . . . ..time to shift the priorities.

In the end, WHAT really matters?

Whatever that is. . . . . .is probably what you should focus on. For many, it's their kids. For some it really is "work". For some it's preparation for their future, setting the future for their kids, helping others, making more money, gaining that promotion, being in the best shape of their lives. . . . . .etc, etc, etc.

With the big "39" a bit over a month away, perhaps it's time to once again figure out what is important for ME again. It's easy to lose sight of what makes YOU happy when you spend most of your time helping others be happy. Some of us are just prone to taking TOO much on, and losing what's important to them in the process (eg RIDING MY BIKE). While helping others does ultimately make me happy, if it isn't done carefully that "happiness" can come at a high price.

With that said. . . . .it's back to being all about me again, at least for a little while. I seem to be best for others when I have my OWN balance and am happy myself. So let's try that for a while. Back to the bike, back to training, back to spending time with friends & family, watching what I eat and saying "No" to others once in a while, when I truly don't have the time.


Coffee King (CK) said...

Sounds like an excellent plan :-)

Christine said...

I second that! :>)

Dano said...

Take care of yourself first and the rest will come easy!