Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Beechwood Fun

Yeah, I still like to ride my mountain bike. I guess I just don't like to "race" it right now. But I'm working on that.

Beechwood was a blast. If you're looking to find your fitness, that's a good place to start. We got a "modified" lap and a half in, which was perfect. Hit the hills hard, at least I still have short bursts in me. I didn't wear my heart rate monitor, which was strange. I'm not sure I can race without it, because it's too easy to ride "easy". It keeps me honest. If I hear it beeping (which it does when I drop back into endurance) I know to take it up a notch cuz I'm not trying hard enough. I think my ride last night had me trying hard as much as I could. . . . . which is ok, except in a 2+ hour race I'm going to poop out if I'm pushing that hard for the entire time. We'll see.

Off to ride at Suimaco today. Get some more endurance miles in. I'm working on that fitness kids. Slowly but surely. Then maybe I'll stop bitching on this blog. :-)

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