Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday night already?

I don't know where the weekend went. I didn't even go to 24-9 and somehow I lost the weekend.

Yesterday Shooter came over and we got out for a nice endurance ride. We rode about 2:10, dropped Captain after about 45, then picked up the pace. Of course he was slowing us down (yeah). Managed a little over 18mph average without working TOO hard. Of course I did pick a flat route. . . . . . .

Today had me up at the crack of dawn to get ready to depart to ride Crystal Ridge at 8:00am with a few peeps. I hate morning rides. . . . . .so riding with others was a definite. Somehow I left my heart rate monitor chest strap behind. . . . . .so I had no data. I also discovered you can't pause my HRM when there's no HR. I lost my time. . . . .and guesstimate a ride at about 2:25ish. Hit the climbs a little harder. . . .then again it's impossible to climb those stupid climbs at CR without hitting them harder (at least for me), and tried to be "one" with the rest of the trail without killing myself. Overall a good time, other than the sharp stabbing pain in my appendix (that's what I'm calling it. . . . .although it was probably just gas).

The boys spent some time this weekend on my fork. I've been telling them for weeks (maybe even MONTHS) that it isn't working correctly, I can barely hang on during rough descents, and it decides it's going to wash out on me a lot in corners (as evident by my recent face plants). I keep hearing about how "wonderful" this stupid fork is, but as of this moment, I hate it. I don't care if it IS "smart" enough to lock it's self out. . . . . .I have YET to dial it in. After changing the rebound quite a bit, today's ride was a little better. Of course now it makes this strange squeaking, crunching, bird-like sound. A sound I've never heard with any of my other bikes. . . . .so who the hell knows what it needs now. GGGrrrrr. Sooner or later I'll get that puppy dialed in. . . . . .or I'll get a new bike. One of the two.

Off to the Sandpiper Inn for all-you-can-eat broasted chicken in a bit. Yummy!! I should be hungry by then. . . . .so I plan to stuff myself. I'm thinking of lobbying for a Clydesdale category for women. . . . . . .


bmxmtbfam said...

have them change the oil weight down to 5W it has 7W. It will react much faster.

Christine said...

The fork is a bit stiff for me but I like it that way.