Wednesday, July 25, 2007

An Action Packed Tuesday

Yesterday made for an action packed day. Tuesday mornings are occupied by work. . . . .meetings & the tour of all our new listings. After that I headed out to Cedarburg to do some volunteering.

I arrived during the women's race and was glad I wasn't racing. Those women looked pretty darn fast. Worked "turn #2" for the Masters & Cat 3 races, which was uneventful (thankfully). The Cat 3 guys did 45 laps. I would have to think one would get dizzy riding that many laps.

After all that excitement I headed out to Beechwood to catch a mountain bike ride with some peeps. I had forgotten how much CLIMBING that course has. While the first lap was supposedly a "tour" lap for those of us who hadn't been there since they made changes. . . . .it was an all out effort for me. Starting at "race pace" without ANY warm up is not a strong point of mine. I thought I was going to puke as I saw my HR climb past 182. But we toughed it out and then decided to set out for a second, easier lap.

Somehow on that second lap I managed to biff it and launch myself over the handlebars. That's something I haven't done for a while (at least a month). Came down on my knee, rolled onto my coccyx, jammed my left quad into something. A couple scratches & bruises, but no blood really. I guess it looked cool though. . . . . .and that's what I was REALLY going for.

We continued on and I rode ahead of one of my peeps on a hill climb, and waited for her down around the bend. I waited, and waited. . . . . .and finally went back to find her. She had experienced the wrath of "the CRAMP" which sent her into a tree which caused her to yard sale it wrapped into her bike, which caused "the CRAMP" to come on even stronger. I can totally sympathize with "the CRAMP" after Green Bay. Holy cow those hurt! A bit battered we decided to bag the rest of the 2nd lap. . . . . . 90 minutes of climbing would be good enough for the day.

Back to the parking lot we went to chat with the Big Ring boys and hang a bit. Overall it was a fun ride. I'm going to try to put it on the training plan for next Tuesday. I seemed to have lost a bit of my "climbing fitness". I need to find that again, before the ski hill races. Hopefully it's not too far away.


Anonymous said...

If I gave you "Style Points" for your crash, there'd be a minor deduction for not sticking the landing, but otherwise, it was a solid 9 for sure!


MTB Girl said...

That's what it's all about. . . .looking good. ;-)