Sunday, July 08, 2007

Having a blog is good thing. . . .and a bad thing.

It's a good thing when all is well in your life, when you're upbeat and happy, when things are going well and going your way. It's fun to share the positive moments. . . . .people like the positive moments. It's fun to share funny pictures, reach out and make humor to lighten up everyone else's day. It's fun to post goofy pictures of yourself, of friends and sometimes family. It's fun to poke fun of others in a joking way. . . . .and then see them poke fun of you on their blogs. It's good because you can reach out to others who you wouldn't normally get to reach out to. . . . and in their own strange little cyber way, they're there for you even though they don't necessarily know you. It's fun to talk with others who have the same passions about what makes us most passionate. . . .about the different rides we take, about the different people that are out there. . . .about good things in general.

It's a bad thing when you're not feeling 100%. When you wake up and feel bad that all your peeps are out riding and you are just starting to be able to walk again without a stabbing pain in your butt/back. It's bad when you feel like some of them avoid you because you're not who they want you to be at that moment. It's bad when you feel like you have to put on a happy face and tell everyone it's ok, it could be worse, at least nothing's broken, because you know they don't know how to be around you otherwise. When you have to hide any pain or discomfort when they're around so they'll not mind being around you, or feel bad for you. It's bad when you start to feel this sick feeling in your stomach because this was supposed to be YOUR year. . . . .the year that last year was supposed to be before injuries took you out. It's bad when you get angry at yourself for feeling these stupid little feelings when there are people out there who have it WAY worse. . . . . .some of them aren't even on this earth anymore to complain. I'm sure they'd LOVE to be able to feel pain again, just to be alive.

Blogs are good things. . . . . . .blogs are bad things.

People who don't know you judge you based on what you type. People get their feelings hurt, or take offense when you type how you feel. Sometimes mini-wars are started. Sometimes we're just gently reminded that we're not "supposed" to share everything we're feeling and that some things are private. Sometimes people read deeply into them and decide they're the "thing" you're typing about when in reality they may have nothing to do with it. Then sometimes when it's really ALL about them, they're too wrapped up in their own needs to understand you're reaching out for a little help.

Life is really one big blog.

You can never make everyone happy no matter how hard you try. And sometimes you try so hard you get burnt out. Sometimes people get angry at what you say because you just don't say it the way they want/need to hear it. You can be cruising along in life happy as can be, having everything going your way and then suddenly it's all taken from you. I hope that's a day I never have. . . . . .a day that ends it all. Bumps, scrapes, cuts, bruises, bulging discs, even broken bones at least let you continue on to share all of the good and bad things life (and blogging) have to offer. . . . which is really a gift.

To be able to use your blog for "good". . . . . . .and once in a while to express the "bad" feelings is really a gift. I'm glad I'm so lucky as to be here to complain. . . . when others don't have that gift any longer.

Yes. It could be MUCH worse.


Christine said...

Hell, say what's on your mind, get it out! That is the best medicine!

bmxmtbfam said...

wow, heal up

joeyTWOwheels said...

goin' deep! i think you went through every emotion in that entry.

i'm one of those 'friends of friends' who happens upon your blog via the common interest of MTBing.

Anonymous said...
