Thursday, July 26, 2007

All the Drama. . . . .

This year's Tour de France offers drama upon drama. The latest drama was somewhat of a surprise as the leader of the tour was pulled from the tour and fired by his team for suspected doping.

I think it's interesting that every OTHER sport has "athletes" popping pills, injecting steroids and "enhancing" their performance without so much as TALK of testing for these substances, yet cycling is the one sport that has the balls test. How many football players, baseball players, "pro-wrestlers", etc would we see pulled from their "sport" if they put even 1/10th of these doping control procedures into play? What if each of these "athletes" had to account for their where-abouts 24 hours a day and be available for random drug testing on a daily basis. Would the future of these sports survive?

Kuddos to cycling for stepping up to the plate and cracking down on these illegal activities. . . . .and shame on the rest of our athletic professions for looking the other way.

Maybe Rasmussen IS guilty, maybe he ISN'T. The point is he didn't follow the rules put in place to control this issue. . . . . . . .and he failed to follow those rules MORE than once. If you're going to race in the Tour de France, you have to follow the rules. And if you don't. . . . . .you have to be prepared to face the consequences.

1 comment:

Dano said...
