Thursday, May 17, 2007

Near Death Thursday

Between the piles of "stuff" I had to do today, I managed to squeak in another endurance ride on the road bike. It was a chore to get myself to get ON the bike, but once I was on it, it was ok.

About eight minutes into the ride I experienced my second "near death experience" ever. . . . .almost getting taken out by a car. Some WOMAN, not paying attention, thinking her car was smaller than it actually was decided she'd see how close to me she could get, even though she had the WHOLE other lane. I felt the heat off the car through my knee warmers. . . . .and as I turned to look, I was shocked at how close she was, and absolutely surprised I wasn't flying off my bike into the ditch. I feel like someone was watching out for me there. . . .perhaps I'll have to do some "good deed" now to balance "life" out again.

Captain hit the shop ride after work and had his own near death experience. Someone (who doesn't usually ride with the group) swerved to take a corner and basically took him out. He hit the pavement at about 20mph. . . . . .and thankfully someone was watching out for him too as he ended up quite lucky with only some minor road rash, a dent in his helmet, some swollen body parts (arm, leg & butt) and a very sore wrist. Of course this all just happened less than 2 hours ago. . . .so we'll have to see how he feels tomorrow. I'll pull out my heavy duty drugs for him tomorrow. . . . keep him in La La land if we have to. Hopefully he won't have any issues racing Sunday.

What a great Thursday. Two "near death" experiences. . . . . .with only minor injuries. I guess we should be thankful, instead of angry that they even happened to begin with.


Christine said...

Jumpin Jimminy, thank the supreme being you are both ok! Crazy drivers! Don't even get me going on the cell phone addicts... First, if captain hit his head, do NOT give him any narcs! If he did hit his head he should be checked out, NOW, not later. I wish I was there to help, if you need anything let me know, I am ready to throw a few punches anyway.

Dano said...

Gatta watch the newbies.

We get them all the time in our Saturday morn ride. Very sketchy riding with one in a peloton of 30 riders going 22mph.

Keeps it interesting to say the least.

We like new riders but they need to work up to the big group rides
