Friday, May 04, 2007

Finally Friday

Well, it's finally Friday. But it feels like the week went pretty fast this time around. . . . .so really I'm thinking "wow, it's already Friday?", which is totally cool!

Being that Iola is the first race of the season. . . . .and the first camping outing. . . . .there is always a little more stuff to accomplish prior to departure time.

I think we have most of the "essentials" packed back into the camper, now it's just a matter of getting the "normal" packing underway. Getting the grocery shopping done, packing all the food, taking the time to make some creative, yummy treat to take along. . . .making sure all the appropriate clothing and gear articles are packed since one never knows if it will be in the 70's and sunny or in the 40's and raining. Must be prepared for everything. SCOUT knows that (right scout?).

I sure hope our first camping spot is better than it was at Kewaunee. . . . .

As long as I can take the day and focus on making sure we're ready to rock for the weekend, it will be a great day. If I get too much of that "work stuff" getting in the way. . . well, then it becomes stressful trying to do it all.

On the bright side. . . . .the muscles are still a bit sore, but they're feeling much better than they were Wednesday. We did indeed venture out yesterday to ride mountain bikes a bit. Hit the Harley/Hoyt trails. I don't know my way around there well enough to find them all. . . .but Athena and I had a good time overall. Came home with a few new bruises and cuts (didn't even get any of those from the RACE over the weekend, but I get them riding FLAT stuff - nice). Of course some DORK on a mountain bike caused most of them. . . . .he "stopped short" while I was trying to gain speed for a small hill. That never works well. Especially when you get his pedal indented in your shin. Ouch.

Happy Friday everyone. See you at Iola. I'll be the one on the side of the trail during the sport race puking my guts out begging for oxygen. Don't be afraid if you see me. . . .just ride on by. I'll be fine with a little rest.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm sure you'll kick ass. i on the other hand will be puking and most likely cramping... i can't wait.