Monday, May 21, 2007

Lake Geneva Revisited

While my day of racing may not have been the best. . . . .there were others who had worse days.

This guy didn't even get to RIDE the whole course on Saturday, because he decided to try to replicate my "patented endo" but he made a fatal mistake. . . . .he put his hand out to catch himself.

Two clinic visits later (one was closed), he was almost all snapped back into place, taped up and ready to go again. Yeah. Ouch.

As for me. . . . .well. . . . a good start I had. THAT wasn't the issue. And I didn't blow myself up on the start. . . .at least not any more than usual. . . . .

It wasn't even the rock garden really. . . . .I rode that just fine.

But after the rock garden. . . . .you know, where things actually started to get EASY. . . . .well, that would be the time I decided to sit BEHIND my seat, on my tire for the rest of the downhill.

Yeah, I've discovered that's hard for me to recover from. Sitting ON your wheel on a somewhat steep downhill really isn't something I should do. I think in all the time I've been biking, I've done it ONCE. This race, I did it TWICE. What else do you do then but "walk it out"?

I do like my new bike. . . . . .but the frame is smaller. I like the fact that I don't whack my knees on this frame as much as I did on my last frame. . . . .but obviously, it's a LITTLE too easy to scoot back a LITTLE too far.

Beyond that. . . . .it was simply a HARD race. TONS of traffic on laps 1 & 2 with no place to pass. . . . .lots of off camber loose turns. . . . .lots of slower riders ahead of me deciding to stop dead in the middle of the trail instead of moving to the side. . . .lessons taught on the fly by Brittany Nigh "IF YOU'RE GOING TO WALK YOU HAVE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE TRAIL". . . ."RIDER. . . RIDER. . . .UM HELLO?? I CAN RIDE THIS STUFF, PLEASE MOVE". . . ."oh, I guess it isn't "kind" to ride over top of you since you fell right in my path, completely across the trail". . . . .hitting LT on every hill wishing for more gears. . . . .getting goose bumps because I overdressed and hardly drank. . . . and the list goes on.

That's my sad tale of Lake Geneva. Overall, not a "stellar" day. . . . .but a day that proves that hanging in there and not giving up is the thing to do. At least I raced in DRY conditions. . . . with NO mud and finished in the top 10. So really, I have nothing to complain about.


Christine said...

Like I said before...I would rather have a rough day at the race course then a bad day at work anyday. You looked great out there yesterday!

Dano said...

When you passed me (twice) you didnt have a smile on your face :-(

I need to show you how to downhill like a Clydesdale!

See ya at Wausau!

MTB Girl said...

The sad thing is, I'm usually passing everyone else on the downhills. I typcially have no fear on those, and they're my favorite. But throw in off camber stuff, and some slippery dirt, and I tend to "break" a bit too much. I know. . . . .sometimes I'm such a girl.

Dano said...

I'll cut ya all the slack you need, girlie.