Monday, April 23, 2007

It could be worse

So what if it's Monday. So what if it's rainy, gloomy & cooler. . . .with cooler temps predicted for the week. So what if I my body feels like I got hit by a truck today. I guess it could always be worse.

I managed to get a somewhat long road ride in yesterday (by myself). About 2:45, although my average speed ended up less than 16mph. It was SOOOO windy at times I could swear I was going BACKWARDS instead of forwards. The alcohol purging out of my body from Saturday night didn't help either. That's enough of THAT for a while now. Can't train SERIOUSLY when you've got a hangover and feel like crap. . . . .I know some people can, but I can't. I actually shed a few tears on my ride trying to wish myself back home, back to the couch, back out of the wind drinking a big glass of water. It didn't work. But I made it home. . . . . .with no "issues", unlike the boys who got 3 flats between the 2 of them.

Then we FINALLY headed out to shoot pistols last night. . . . . .finally "Shooter" lives up to her nickname. It was fun. Although I wasn't "good enough" to sink one into the center of the bulls eye. . . . . .but I guess that's why they don't call ME "Shooter".

Yes, our outfits are interchangable. . . . . . .almost.

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