Thursday, March 01, 2007

Don’t Wait: A Remembrance

Did you read this article? If you haven't, I highly suggest clicking on it and taking a couple minutes to read it.

I've been very lucky in my life in the fact that I haven't had to experience a lot loss around me. My family is small, my friends are healthy and I simply haven't had to deal with a lot of death. However, there is one person in particular who I thought of when I read this article. . . . .and although it's been over a year since he passed, I still think of him often. His name was Dave Stradtman.

Dave was one of THE most wonderful people this world had to offer. . . . .and there's not a person who knew him, who's life he didn't touch. He was the kind of person you don't forget, for people like him don't come into our world all that often anymore. He was kind and giving, charismatic, caring & gentle, and he had a way of making everyone laugh.

He died almost 1 full year after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was a slow and painful process. . . . .but he never lost his smile or his strength through it all. And even today, he continues to touch those who knew him.

It's true. . . . . .life is too short to wait. While we all hope we have many years left to do all the things we want to do. . . . .to tell the people we love how we really feel. . . . . .to see all the places we want to see. . . . . one never really knows how much time they have left.

Don't wait to live. . . . .start living today.

Don't leave this earth with your music still in you.

Tell your loved ones that you love them. Don't wait and hope that they "just know". You may be surprised to find out they really DON'T "just know".

1 comment:

Dano said...

Amen sister! :-)