Monday, March 26, 2007

Is it summer??

Wow, what a beautiful day! Absolutely amazing. Too bad they say it's all going to turn to crap again tomorrow. I went against "the plan" today and even though I raced yesterday. . . . .I snuck in a road ride today. How could one NOT (if you have the time). I also took Athena out when I got home from the crit yesterday for an hour. . . . .I think I have the shifters in the right place, now I just need to get the rear shock under control. . . .so I'm actually USING it.

Was digging through some pics this afternoon to find something "interesting" to post and I came across this picture from 2003. People laugh when I tell them I used to carry a few extra pounds. This picture was taken after I had already started to lose some of that "extra". I'll have to find you some good ones of my "fat" days. Captain and I both had those days. Right before I started biking. . . . . . . . .

I guess if NOTHING else riding your bike a LOT slowly but surely sheds the pounds. Sure, it may take 3 years to drop 25 pounds. . . . . .but you won't have to give up ANYTHING, and you'll actually be able to eat MORE.

I love to bike. I just wish I hadn't waited until I was 30 to discover "athletics". Oh well. . . .better late than never.


Mountaingoat said...

Why would a "plan" tell you not to ride on such a nice day?

MTB Girl said...

Because the plan knows the body needs to rest when it feels like it does. . . . .or the back gets ANGRY. Of course I am "the Plan Maker". . . .so I can be the "Plan Changer" too. But if I change the plan and my back gets angry I have no one to blame but myself. It sucks getting old.