Friday, March 02, 2007

One of those days. . . . .

It's just "one of those days".

You know. . . . .one of those days where you're on your way to work and you see a semi truck that says "Schaefer's Specialized Lubricants" and all you do is giggle and wonder what type of lubricants they have in a truck THAT big. . . . . . . . . . .

I know. . . . . . . .I need a vacation.


Anonymous said...

You are a total dork! You should have stopped the truck and demanded to see...kinda like the Seinfeld episode with the sponges.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is on your head?

bubba said...

A few posts ago, we voted on the picture to be on your next run of business cards....

I would like to change my vote

MTB Girl said...

Yes, originally this was the picture I was going to use for my business cards. . . .but my manager for some strange reason thought it wasn't "appropriate". Whatever. And Virgin. . . .those are ELEPHANT EARS on my head. . . . .duh!