Monday, July 24, 2006

"No shot, dog bite". . . . . . .

Ok, so I haven't updated in almost a week. Pretty lame considering I have nothing else to do with my life right now.

Friday I spent most of the day waiting to get my steroid injection. What a fun way to spend your birthday. . . .waiting for HOURS for someone to shove a needle in your back. When I finally got in there it took about a whole 2 minutes. And it would have gone faster except they hit a nerve which made my left leg and arm jump about a foot off the table (all on their own I might add). It seemed to surprise them. . . .that must not happen often. They held my legs and arms down as they finished, guess they didn't want them moving involuntarily since there was a HUGE needle stuck in my back. The whole nerve thing hurt like the dickens, but if it helps, I'd gladly do it again. The 4 hour ride to Phillips was fun after that. . . I just curled up in a ball in the back seat.

But Saturday morning I actually felt a little better. Sunday was about the same. Even staying at THIS level on the pain/discomfort scale would be fine in my book. Doc says MAYBE I can start short (30 minute, non-jarring) rides come this weekend IF I'm feeling better. Next shot is set for August 3rd.

Phillips recap to come. . . . . .


Anonymous said...

Oh CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot your birthday!
I'm such a loser.

I'm going to blame it on pregnancy amnesia... at least I can use that excuse for a couple more day.

sorry girl.

MTB Girl said...

I think you have a few more important things on your mind. I'll forgive you. But you'd better let me know when you squeeze that pup out!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you're on my "list" of people to call.

Hope you're feeling better, sounds like you're on the slow road to recovery, but at least there is some progress in that direction.

Maybe by the time you're allowed to ride a mountain bike again (off-road) I might be ready too!

Its a date.

Mountaingoat said...

Am I on the "list" too?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... maybe you should be.

You can announce it on your blog because EVERYBODY reads your blog!

Mountaingoat said...

Oh yeah!

MTB Girl said...

I think I should be on "the list" ahead of you mountaingoat. . . .I mean it is MY baby. . . . . .