Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Yes, I'm Alive

Yes, it's Wednesday already, no posts since last week. . . . .for all those who are concerned, I am alive. . . . . just barely, but I am.

Had our niece's wedding Saturday, it was a beautiful day, complete with a delicious dinner, a beautiful bride and lots of laughs. But it threw us off our "pre-race routine" more than a little bit. Hind site is 20/20, but we should have packed just a little bit better for Sunday, a few more hours of sleep would have been better, a LOT more calories & liquids taken in would have been better and sitting a lot LESS would have been better (at least for MTB girl).

Sunday was marginal at best, but we were there, and I finished despite a number of girls passing me asking if I was alright. I wonder if it was because I was sobbing as they passed? Or was it because my goosebumps started about 30 minutes in, right after which the sweating almost stopped? Or was it because I was seeing little "Christina Aguilera Spiders"? Live and learn.

Cyrstal Ridge has become of my favorite races. . . .now that I'm just a little bit faster in the single track. I hope to be able to ride it next weekend, before it's time to retire for the season. This was supposed to be my break out year dammit. Oh well, there's always next year.

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