Friday, July 28, 2006

Could I BE more wrong?

Being off the bike for over 3 weeks puts you through a lot of different emotions. At first you're angry, then that turns into depression which gives way to apathy. Pretty soon you're looking forward to plopping your butt on the couch and stuffing your face with junk food & a beverage while your friends go ride.

I had reached that final stage. . . .and I thought I didn't miss riding my bike at all. I couldn't have been MORE wrong.

Hit the flat stuff at Glacial Blue on my way to the gravel trail. I had NO IDEA I missed my bike that much. I even shed a tear . . . . .I'm such a pansy.

40 minutes in the saddle. . . . .slammed some advil when I got home and put the ice pack on. I can feel it, but it's not shooting. . . .and I'm pretty sure that's still ok. We'll see how it feels as the day progresses. If I can move, I'm doing it again tomorrow. . .and the next day. . . and the next day. . . .


Anonymous said...

Thats great Brittany! I knew it wouldn't be long for you to get back on Phoenix.

Only three weeks though.... Try 9 months!
I can't even look at my bike in the basement it makes me soooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. I don't think she even recognizes me anymore.

Coffee King (CK) said...

1 day down, the rest of your life to go. Glad to hear that the start of the rest of your life went very well. Hope that the days to follow continue that trend ultimately leading you to a quality of life that is enhanced because of "the bike" - CK

MTB Girl said...

I love my bike. :-)