Thursday, October 18, 2007

Major Frustration

There are just some days where I don't understand how businesses can NOT meet their customers expectations. . . .but yet they continue to charge their customers, and expect that they'll continue to pay rising costs for a service that may or may not work.

Today I'm referring to my e-mail provider. Luckily we ditched our Internet provider a while back to convert to "modern times" and get the high speed connection. Wow, did that save me a TON of time since I work from home a LOT and working through dial-up was absolutely mind boggling in regards to it's SLOWNESS. Because I had the same e-mail address for so long, and because I use it for business as well, I was reluctant to give that e-mail address up. So, I convinced Captain that we should keep the address. . . .just ditch the provider.

Since we've done that, I've had fewer outages where I was not able to access the Internet. However, the problems with the e-mail seem to continue. Today is one of those times. The last e-mail I received was this morning at approximately 2:44am. Since then, I have seen nothing. I finally contacted my provider only to be greeted by a recording assuring me they understand the problem, are working to resolve it, and have no idea how long it will be before e-mail is working.

So I'm thinking I'll pass along all my angry customers, all my angry associates, all my angry corporate clients who can't reach me via e-mail today and let NETWURX explain why I can't conduct business in the manner the rest of the world is accustomed to today.

I'll them bill them for the extra help I'll need when I'm trying to catch up on things that SHOULD have been done today, while trying to do everything else at the same time.

Yes. That will be nice. I'm sure they'll understand, appreciate and greet that with open arms. After all, they are a service oriented business, right? They should be happy to meet my needs as their "ever important" customer.

If my husband wasn't an I.T. guy. . . .I'd say they all suck (which I know isn't true). Instead I'll just say the stupid techs who "rule" the e-mail & Internet world suck. Because today, they do. Today, they complicate my life.

I think they're almost as bad as meteorologists.



Christine said...

I was wondering where you were, I sent yu an e-mail this morning regarding riding of course.

bmxmtbfam said...

That is what you get when these hemroids lease lines from the big phone companies and put up no cashflow for upgraded service. They take the risk and go way over limits and hope it works. They just steal your money hope the big guys make changes and then pipe more speed into your area.

jwm said...

Well, you need to be able to vote with your dollars.. Unfortunately, that means changing email addresses if you have to.

Dano said...

I just swicthed to 3 meg service. It works about half the time.
I'm pissed too!!