Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10 Habits of Highly Annoying Co-Workers:

Habit No. 1: You make a daily call to your partner to "check in," which can last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and, depending on how you two are getting along these days, can result in either a nasty fight or the sweet murmurings of baby talk.

Habit No. 2: You just can't seem to make it to those early morning meetings on time. If only the wait at the Starbucks next door weren't so slow, you'd never have to ask your co-workers what you missed.

Habit No. 3: You almost always leave the office early "to beat traffic." You're positive that you have the worst commute of all your officemates.

Habit No. 4: You buy a huge gift basket for someone in the office without consulting any of your co-workers, and then tell everyone that they owe you $10 to chip in.

Habit No. 5: You borrow your neighbor's stapler without asking and only remember to return it when your neighbor complains that he or she can't find it.

Habit No. 6: You can't understand what the big deal is whenever you ask your co-workers for "a tiny favor." Don't they know how much work you have piling up? You talk about it all the time.

Habit No. 7: You've once again forgotten to take home and wash the container that has the remnants of your tuna salad lunch a few days ago.

Habit No. 8: You answer questions or reply to comments with "That's what she said."

Habit No. 9: You don't see the need to learn how to send a fax or fix a paper jam when there's always someone around to help you do it.

Habit No. 10: You play your favorite boy band CD on repeat. All day. Every day.

Yeah, kinda makes me happy I'm an independent contractor. I work from home and avoid these people most of the time.


bmxmtbfam said...

I swear you must sit close to me here at Ma Bell

Mountaingoat said...

If you haven't ever, you need to see the movie Office Space. Classic.

Anonymous said...

Office space is so my office. You are lucky because you don't have to sit in a cubicle all day long. So jealous of your working from home status!

bmxmtbfam said...

you have my stapler

rusty wrycza said...

WFH'ing is the way to go - I miss nothing, nevertheless the do nothing's (e.g. project managers) seem to have an addiction to reply2all - not that they have added any value to the topic. I have yet to figure out how those asians can consume fish that smells like death
Where's the TPS reports?

jwm said...

You have left out the wonder and beauty of the cube..

600 ft and 3 thick walls separate you from a window.

Bathe in the fluorescent glow, and listen to the angelic humming of the lights.

You cube can even double as a conference room, for 3-4 other coworkers, normally while you're on another call.

Mmmm computers.. Slow, stay on budget, underpowered, can almost run java gui's, with a 12" monitor computers. Mmmmm technology.

And, no one has time to check the tapes from your phone calls anyway.

Office Space is king.
