Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Wind in Your Face

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day to get out for a bike ride. I am so thankful I was able to juggle my schedule to allow me to do that. While I wish it could have been a ride on my NEW MOUNTAIN bike. . . . .I was still glad it was outside none-the-less.

Riding outside after spending many long, hard hours on the trainer is rather refreshing. It's also SOOO easy to ride SOOOO much harder than you "should". I was reminded of that yesterday too.

I also remembered how much I miss being able to sort through the "problems of life" while feeling the breeze on my face, the sunshine on my back & face, and taking in all the "aromas" that the outdoors have to offer. No amount of "therapy" can match spending a couple hours alone, on your bike, sifting through "life".

Is it Spring YET? Gosh I can't wait. A glimpse of days like yesterday put my Spring Fever on an all time high.

1 comment:

Dano said...

I had figured out many of life's little meanings alone on the bike.