Saturday, February 24, 2007

A "Marti Gras" night

We went to see some "old" friends last night, who fortunately live about 3 miles away from us, since the drive home looked like THIS. . . . . .and that was just LAST NIGHT. I can just IMAGINE what tonight is going to look like!
Seems that the more of these that were consumed. . . . . . .

The funnier stuff like this became. . . . . . . sadly, it was pretty funny BEFORE anything was consumed. . . . . . .

I guess there's one good thing about having kids. You get to play with these all the time!

Although the viewing of the dinosaurs almost prompted a "talk" for the kids. . . . . . .but it was decided a talk of "the birds and the bees" was probably done a little more effectively when NOT in the presence of a group of half drunk adults creating dinosaur porn.

Please note the "repeat offender" who's hands you can see POSING these things is NOT ME.

Also note she seems to know a lot of poses. . . . . . .

And of course once again "the Pyramid" came out. Only this time I was on TOP, someone was underneath, and those darn dinosaurs were trying to make their move again.

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