Saturday, December 02, 2006

Yes, I am ALIVE

Ok, so I guess everyone misses me. . . .sorry. I needed to take a break to figure out my purpose in life. . . . . .then I realized I don't have a purpose. . . . . . .so I'm back now.

Today's the big 3-0 for my little sister. Happy birthday Heather. You are officially "OLD" now.

But not as old as me, I know. And that was proven by our morning activity today. Picked out the Christmas tree. What a chore that was. Bill's parents came for breakfast and mimosas (yummy) and then all 4 of us set out to find that "perfect" tree.

What a bunch of dorks. And let me tell you. . . .. .the "perfect" tree does not exist. So we finally JUST picked one and we'll make it work.

Today we'll rearrange the living room to fit the monster in. . . . then tomorrow will be the official decorating day. Tonight we've got to get Squirt's house taken care of. . . .maybe leave a little surprise for the LOVE BIRDS who are on their mini-honeymoon. . . .we'll see.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates on our FABULOUSLY interesting lives.

Yeah. . . . .I have GOT to find a purpose. . . . . .

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