Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Scavenger Hunt

Ahhhh yes. The "winners" (aka - the BEST looking team).

The love birds.

"The President" trying to make the evening a little more tolerable.

The "hottest ass in WORS". . . . .OBVIOUSLY. . . .

The card shark who played it tough for 3 rounds and then laid it down to the hottest ass in WORS. . . . .

Not really sure what's going on here. . . . . .

I think this guy was telling us about "natural male enhancements" here. . . . . .

Sweet. A good time had by all. . . . . .except for poor Barb. Take away that little "bathroom incident" and it would have been a little better night. And we missed the 9:00 mooning, I'm so upset about that. But we sure were entertained by the cars trying to parallel park outside. What can we say? We're just simple country folk.

1 comment:

Mountaingoat said...

What did she win, like one game? Weak. Three in a row showing you all how the game works.