Thursday, December 14, 2006


Well, I'm not sure where the week went. I started my official workout plan on Monday and of course I apparently jumped in with both feet. . . .and that was the window my body was looking for. It unleashed the wrath of soreness and flu like symptoms on Tuesday. The stomach cramps were so bad I curled into a little ball on the couch most of Monday night and all of Tuesday. I even missed our office Christmas party, which I never do. I'm usually the "life" of those parties. . . .and I didn't even get to go.

Thankfully all the rest allowed me to venture out Wednesday for the "CSS" training in Brookfield. Yes, I'll soon be an official "Certified Senior Specialist", able to work with "the aging" population through their real estate transaction. How exciting. The body still felt crummy and I barely made it through the class without a nap. . .thank goodness I didn't drive.

Today I woke up still feeling a little "off", but much better than the last couple days. "The plan" was to start the Christmas baking today but being sick on Tuesday put me WAY behind "the plan" so instead I focused the day on getting caught up with things . . . .AND. . . .doing my next "installment" of my workout plan. We'll see how that feels a little later, as I just got back.

Thank God tomorrow is Friday. Maybe I'll actually catch up on everything and have that day of DOWN TIME before Christmas. I'm going to sit and stuff my face with Christmas cookies. I think I can afford to gain a few pounds back. Sweet.


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