Friday, December 08, 2006

My horoscope

Sometimes, just for fun, I see what my horoscope has to say about my life. Here's what it has to say today:

December 8, 2006
Are you feeling overworked and stressed? A lot of good things may be happening for you on several different levels, Brittany, and you may feel as if there are too many things happening at once. Nonetheless, if you make the effort to remain grounded you'll probably find that what needs to be done is no more than you can handle. Don't panic. This is only a temporary situation, and the results should be worth the effort.

Well, I think this is a perfect excuse to take a day of "down time". Even the STARS think I'm working too hard and TOO much is happening. I need to "make an effort to remain grounded". Hhhhmmm, that's not something that comes easy for me. I am an "in the clouds" type of person. I run from the law. . . . .I change my name to an alias. . . . .I sit and daydream any time I'm not working . . . If I wasn't allergic to cats I'd probably be one of those people who have 27 cats and fall asleep one day and the cats eat their eyes out.

Yep, that's me. . . . .living life on the edge. Never worried about tomorrow. . . never worried about others. . . never worried about where I'm going to find my next meal or alcoholic beverage. . . I never think about anyone but myself. . . .I'm a rebel. A rebel without a cause. What more would you expect from the "Princess".

Sure, I'm "grounded". It's all about ME. Screw "the others".

1 comment:

bmxmtbfam said...

Have you been eating the cake described below