Thursday, October 26, 2006

What's New In Real Estate?

I guess since I have this blog labeled as your connection to the real estate world (as well as all the "happenings" of my life) I should probably take a moment to spread some Real Estate news.

As you've probably seen or heard as of late, the real estate market has slowed down a bit from where it was only a few short months ago. Here in the Midwest, thankfully we're not seeing the housing "bubble" bursting as it is on the East and West coasts where some properties are actually LOSING value. . . . . . .so don't panic!

In Washington County (the county I specialize in) we've seen an incredible appreciation on property values over the past few years. Of course when this happens, one has to understand those values will only skyrocket for so long before they balance out. We're now in the balancing phase.

Currently we are seeing a large listing inventory that's frankly not moving as quickly as it was 3 or 4 months ago. Properties are spending longer on the market and buyers are now becoming more choosy about which home they find to be the best value.

This is the kind of market where sellers need to be very careful when pricing their home. They also need to be very educated on everything that's on the market in their price range in order to determine exactly where to position their property for sale. Proper consideration should be given to staging homes as well. Things like applying a fresh coat of paint, reducing clutter from closets & such, removing personal pictures (if they're in excess), paying attention to curb appeal, making sure the leaves are raked, the bushes are trimmed, garbage is picked up, etc. are all things that sellers need to focus on in this type of market.

A properly priced home, staged appropriately is going to attract a buyer the quickest. And that buyer is going to see the value in that home. . . . .because they're educated on what else is out there. . . .and you'll get that offer over your competition.


Mountaingoat said...

I thought this was a bike blog? I don't care about real estate, that sounds like a job.

The Shed Master said...

What can you get me in a nice place for? I'm not alking like really, really fancy like the Beverly HillBillies got, - just something that my kin can come over and help me take the wheels off'f.

bubba said...

La Casa de Bubba sits on lovely Menomonee river parkway in sunny Wauwatosa, Wi. with a trail head approximately 21.7yards from the end of the driveway connecting the MTB'er to miles of some of the finest singletrack in the Milwaukee area.
It's for sale Russell. I could have Brittney re-write the add to entice a few more bucks out of you. It's all in the marketing...right Brittney??

bubba said...

S#lt....I spell everyones name wrong.....sorry.

bmxmtbfam said...

Forget selling, russell has already soiled the inside. Just gut the thing and start over.

MTB Girl said...

Ok, so I know you can't read the whole title becuase that STUPID box covers it, but this blog does say "Your link to the every day life of Brittany Nigh, the Real Estate world and Team Pedal Moraine happenings".

Crap. I guess I have to post team happenings too now. . . . .

And yes, it is all about the marketing. . . .