This little guy showed up. . . .. .he came with Squirt and was very curious. . . .
The guts were slimey and icky. . . . .but we were tough girls and scooped them out anyway.
CK was even tough and scooped his out. . . . . .he had a few obscene things to say while scooping though . . . .
Then that mouse made it's appearance again, with a 4 foot tail this time. . . . .somehow he ended up on the ceiling. . . . . . I think he was trying to jump in Squirt's hair. . . . .After what felt like HOURS and numerous threats to use my pumpkin carving tool to stab those around me. . . .THIS was MY finished product.
Of course it was all free hand and made up totally out of my mind. . . .did you have to ask?? Sure. . . . . . . I have SKILLS.
And here's the finished group product. Of course you can hardly see them. . . .so just take my word that they were COOL.
And we even stayed up past 10:00pm on a FRIDAY night. Sweet.
Yeah, I need a life. I know. But if you're reading this. . . you probably do too.
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