Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What's YOUR stress level?

Do you know what your stress level is? I needed a mental break this afternoon and thought I'd take this "simple little test" to find out what my stress level was. Well, apparently I have HIGH STRESS.

Here's what the little survey had to tell me: "Take action now to reduce and manage your stress. Stabilize the amount of changes in your life and avoid unnecessary stress. Evaluate how you communicate, manage your commitments, and prioritize your time. Make stress-reducing lifestyle choices a priority: seek therapy or exercise."

I guess I need to go ride my bike RIGHT NOW!


Mountaingoat said...

I was at the bottom of the low stress scale.

Coffee King (CK) said...

Just what I figured: "You have low stress". Guess that I better get off my butt and start getting stressed more so that I can fit in better with society. I'm such a slacker.

MTB Girl said...

It must be nice to be "simple".