Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well, my reign as cyclocross champion for women's "B" (cat 3) has come to an abrupt end this year. Two races attempted. . . .one race completed. . . .two races where I had it totally handed to me.

It's hard to get a grasp on the fact that I'm not in the same condition I was last year. I had about two thirds the training time in for this entire year as I did for last year. . . .and while I understand my results could still be interpreted as somewhat good. . . . .they're not what I planned.

It's funny how life just hands you lemons sometimes. . . .and it's not always the easiest to make lemonade. I'm usually that type of person. . . .to make the lemonade. . . but sometimes it's tough. As I tell those that hang with me. . . ."you have no idea how hard it is being "girl" some days". This is one of those days/weeks/months I guess.

With the Ice Man just around the corner, I'm wondering if I should even bother. Every race, every training ride, every workout feels like a chore lately. I don't enjoy them. . . .I don't see results. . .I'm tired of being at the bottom of the totem pole.

Sometimes you have to live life for yourself. . . and do what makes YOU happy, not what makes others happy. Except sometimes you lose yourself in others. . . .or in your training. . . .or in your biking. . . and you forget what and who YOU are. I just need to find that person again and perhaps the rest will fall into place.

On the flip side. . . .not training means eating less, which means I've lost weight AND body fat. So that's sweet. :-) See, there IS an upside. You just have to look sometimes I guess.

That's it for me. The couch is calling.


Mountaingoat said...

It's fall. It's rainy, cold and wet. Go find fun trails to ride and ride because it happens to be fun. Do the cross races because they are fun. If you turn riding into work the entire year you're just going to walk around disappointed.

Ronsta, said...

Word. Rides and racing should just be a reason to get out, see your friends, do something you enjoy and most importantly, get away from real "work".

I didn't do great today but i had fun. I cheered friends on, met a fellow blogger and got mooned by the Polska team. Way better than laying around and watching football or something.

Unknown said...

double word.

DIHAF? said...

Been there.

Bike racing requires a huge time commitment for training. It can become obsessive compulsive and you can feel guilty about not riding enough.

Once you have achieved a certain level of success, most people don't want to go backwards or drop down a level like say from m Expert to Comp. That is the dilemna that can only be understood by someone who is facing that situation. Look how many pros do not seem compete or even to ride for years after they retire.

Each year life starts to get busier so that after a while it seems like the only people racing at the upper levels are the obsessed.

Two options:

Be willing to train hard and prepared to suffer at the same level as the group you want to compete in.

"Retire" and find races and rides that fit where you are at with the amount of time for trainng, current attitude toward cycling and flexibility of your schedule.

The middle ground is to drop down and psychologicaly this may not be fulfilling. You will know you are capable of more.

What I am trying to tell you is basically you are screwed. :)

Chris said...

You lose weight when you're not riding? You suck.

It's always tough not getting "back" to where you were before, or not living up to your perceived potential ... find the reason you do it for yourself, and just enjoy every minute!

And why couldn't the Polskas have distracted Ron on the last lap? Darn it!

Dano said...

We didnt make the south kettles Sunday. Rain.

And I never race for results. Its WORS for cry'in out loud. I did step away from the races for a year and a half and found myself. Now I am ready to come back.

Sometimes a little time away helps.


The Shed Master said...

Just wait til next year.

Coffee King (CK) said...

In my book racing has to be fun, riding has to be fun, and training needs to be something you want to do. If it's not than why do it? I guess that you might want the health benefits also but that could be had by beating the T-shirts in charity rides each weekend, by just doing what you decide is fun (and gets the pulse up). Time to fall in love with the bike again if that's what you chose. It's all about the rides and for you "who you ride with". It's all about having fun - a lesson that I'm finally getting.


DIHAF? said...

I'm down with that, and get this, I was so far gone I used to even ride a trainer in my basement-- Just like a rat on a hamster wheel. For like 10 years. I'm better now.

Structured training plans can end up physically slowing people down and damping enthusiasm from when they were just out doing the fast rides with their friends.

CK said it, do what is fun. Truly fun. Everyone has slumps, but if your inner salesperson has to work overtime come spring and summer to sell you...

Cycling is an obssesion.

MTB Girl said...

Ok then. I want to do the Iceman, so I'm GOING to do the Iceman. Not for the results, but for the experience. AND I'll be looking for riding partners. . . . .

MadCross said...

Hang in there! Like everyone said, have fun and take time to just love racing for the fun of riding your bike. Eventually the fitness will be back and you'll be kicking butt again!

bubba said...

Yeah....Listen to these guys. They know what they are talking about. Well....except for Mountaingoat......and Russell.......and Jim G...and Chris and Dano.

Ronsta and Coffee King I supposed could be believed.

Spicyride and those two know what they are talking about.

Christine said...

it's all B** S*** What you need, is for someone to tell you they are going to Kick your butt to your face and watch how fast your attitude and motivation changes. This is all in fun! Don't mean to offend anyone but think about how your mind reacts to situations and use it to your benefit, no more STINKIN THINKIN! without competition, there is no fun in racing! I'd love to ride with you this winter, you could probably teach me a few things or too, remember, there are others who look up to you too!

MTB Girl said...


Now if each of you guys pick a day to ride with me. . . .I'll have lots of riding experience and lots of training miles all while having lots of fun.

I do love my mountain bike. . . . .

Mountaingoat said...

I do a lot of lonely 3-4 hour rides in the winter. Feel free to join.

Dano said...


Whats up in the Real Estate world?

Anonymous said...

I totally see where you are coming from........In life it is a balance. To find a balance in which is right for you is really the biggest struggle. When you find it you will be most rewarded and truly HAPPY. I see many obsessive/compulsives out in the field and really try to understand if they lost the ability to ride how they could fall into a deep
depression. Everything should be done in life in moderation. If you really LOVE to ride bike then do it and have FUN, find a balance between family, friends, work, etc. and set goals for yourself that are realistic for you. If you enjoy things in life and do the best you can do then you are a WINNER in your own eyes and the heck with everyone else. Have a GREAT winter and keep in touch!!

DIHAF? said...

If you are still digging the racing, you just had an off year. Everyone does. I have seen lots of people have their best year ever-- a big leap, followed by a bad year, and then came back stronger than ever.

My point is, if you are just lamenting an off year, that will likely soon be over.

If you are at a crossroads and have to work hard to convince yourself that you are having a good time racing,and to motivate yourself, then you need a break or a change to a different scene to get the fun rolling.