Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tomorrow is IT

Tomorrow is the big day. The last WORS race of the season. The BEST WORS race of the season. I hope I'm not disappointed.

The pre-ride was good. The course is a little different in a few places, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I rode it fairly well. I don't understand why I can't make it up the equalizer though. . .I'm always SOOOOO close to the top. . . .but then my "big guns" just lift my front wheel up, and it's all over.

The jump was great. . . . .I still don't know why I was ever afraid of that silly little thing.

Tomorrow will be interesting. My body aches today. . . .for who knows WHAT reason. I hope that I worked some of those aches out and tomorrow will go that much better. Bringing the MENTAL game is what's going to have to happen tomorrow. Right now my "mental game" is just about as poor as my "top end". Something's going to have to improve by tomorrow. . . . .or I'm toast.

Although riding the first lap behind the tandem was a riot. I think I might have laughed too much. . . .I hope I didn't fatigue my abs.

See you at Sheboygan.

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