Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring has Sprung (or so it seems). . . . .

It seems Spring is truly hear with the weather predicted to reach 57 today and get up to 60 tomorrow. Time to break out the shorts (almost).

I found this article to help bring spring into your home.

My tulips and daffodils are coming up like CRAZY today! I'm sure they'll bloom while we're on vacation. That seems to be how things go. Last year they were beautiful!

Yesterday's nice weather had me OUTSIDE for my power intervals. I'm feeling like I should check myself in somewhere because they felt awesome. My heart rate was so high I wanted to puke, but it was only for 4 minutes at a time, so it was doable. I felt ALIVE! :-) North Carolina watch out. When I pull up to the start line in Tsali, they should be SCAWED (as we say).


Coffee King (CK) said...

Yes, recovery week and then some good Power Intervals seems to be showing that we have gained something. Iola and the other 11 races will be the real test. Let the fun begin :-)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!

I'm heading out for a ride now. Yeah, NOT doing intervals...just cruising. It's awesome out there. 60 degrees. I'm just wearing shorts!!!!!!!

MTB Girl said...
