Friday, March 24, 2006

Shape Up Your Abs For Spring

Isn't Spring supposed to be like NOW?!? Not in Wisconsin I guess! I saw this article this morning for shaping up your abs. I'm not sure if just looking at the pictures has the same effect as actually DOING the work. . . .I'm thinking NOT.

We'll be doing a ride tomorrow (Saturday) if anyone's interested. If it's cold, we may take the mountain bikes out on the rails to trails (my vote). If that's too "squishy" it's a road ride. . .bundle up. Let me know if you're interested.

In the mean time. . . .work those abs. Only ONE week for the Colorado gang until they head out. . . and TWO weeks for the North Carolina gang. Yikes!! Two weeks until the Tsali race! It's gonna HURT.

1 comment:

MTB Girl said...

I wish!