Thursday, July 17, 2008

On the wagon again. . . . . . .

I'm officially ON the wagon again. A few too many beverages yesterday made for a very shitty ride today. I can't afford shitty rides right now. Every ride I get needs to be a quality ride if I hope to be in any type of decent shape come cyclocross.

I met up with a few peeps at the Kettles today. Not only did I think I was going to puke during my ride, I actually almost passed out. Between the heat, the humidity, my dehydration, and just feeling like total crap, squeezing out a 2 hour ride was a chore. And there was no one to blame but myself. My heart rate was out of control, even the smallest hill would spike it up to the point of near hyperventilation.

BUT, the trails were in great shape. There are lots of nice, new re-routes, lots of new trails to enjoy. Overall, a good time, even if I felt like crap.

Now I'll work on that rehydration, rest and recovery. We'll see what the weekend brings. I have high hopes. :-)


bmxmtbfam said...

hammer liquid endurance take care of the heat/post drink issue very well

Anonymous said...

You were extremely quiet back there I was getting worried. At least you were getting all the mosquitos drunk. We need to do another ride when you aren't in a hangover state!