Thursday, May 15, 2008

For Sale - CHEAP

15+ year old Black Lab, lives by her stomach, wakes up 10 minutes earlier every day, thinks it's time to eat the moment she wakes up. . . . .thinks it's time to eat ALL the time actually. Barks continuously until fed (then you've got about an hour of silence if you're lucky), mostly deaf, low patience tolerance, molting like a bird, can only walk about 2 blocks at a time before needing a nap, doesn't care much for German Shepherd Puppies.


Unknown said...

awhhh... you know you love every moment of her.

bubba said...

I'd take her off your hands, but I already adopted her twin brother last year in March.

Anonymous said...

You know you love her! Old dogs are sweet...I should I know, we have 2. They're just set in their ways, just like people.

Dano said...

Name your price....Gizmo needs a buddy.