Tuesday, February 19, 2008


They interrupted The Biggest Loser in order for us to watch Barack Obama stare at a cheering crowd in Texas tonight. What the F&@K? That couldn't wait 12 minutes? I tolerated the results flashing on the bottom of my screen all night. Why must they interrupt the ONE show I enjoy? Isn't that what the NEWS is for?? And why does it take a full 8 minutes to tell us who's leading in the race? Just flash the stupid numbers at the bottom and wait for the 9:00 hour. Or JUST ONCE. . . .interrupt the COMMERCIALS.

And don't get on my case for not caring about the fate of the world. Nothing changes if they wait for their "live coverage" until it's "scheduled time". What the hell is CNN for anyway?


Christine said...

I know that really pissed us off last night, just at the weigh in.

bmxmtbfam said...

I just want to know how the hell you can lose 16 pounds in a week.

Unknown said...

they interrupted lost last week to tell us it was snowing. wtf! no shit.

Christine said...

I wondered that too. Perhaps they were home for more than a week.

bmxmtbfam said...

I dont think so, when they sent the guy home his girlfriend said you were just home for the week and now your back. Unless the start to lose muscle mass that fast

MTB Girl said...

I think when you're just THAT big, workout 6 hours a day and have someone tell you exactly what to eat. . . .I think you just lose that much weight. Now I should clarify. . . .I don't believe that applies to people who already lead an active lifestyle. I think that's just the people who don't do anything currently.

Anonymous said...

I lost 10+ lbs. in a week after having gum surgery once, and I wasn't even allowed to work out. It was from not being able to eat any of the things I normally ate.