Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cross Practice

Tomorrow's the first cyclocross race. Did some practice today. . . .ouch. One forgets how much that hurts. Tomorrow should just be one all out heart attack. I can't wait.

Bill took a digger. . . . . .face planted himself into the dirt. I guess he was afraid to break the caution tape we use to practice. . . . .but on another lap he actually broke the tape. . . . . .stressed CK out a little. . . .he works hard to maintain those "barriers". Bill's sitting this first race out, which is probably a good thing. He might be safer. . . . .

This year they made some changes in cross with regards to the categories. It used to be Womens "A" (fastest), Womens "B" (middle) and then Womens "C" (slowest). Since we've been racing for a few years now, I've conquered the "C" class, and last year moved up to "B". I had some really good finishes, and ended up winning the overall in "B". But last year I was a lot faster too. This down time with the back has taken away from my high end training. Cyclocross will be interesting.

Since they now use the same categories in Cross (Cat 1/2, Cat 3 and Cat 4) as they do in road racing, you have to petition for an "upgrade" if you feel you were assigned the wrong class. I'm at Cat 4 road racer (entry level women's category), but I'm a lot faster in cyclocross. . . . .so . . . . . . I had to ASK for an upgrade. I thought about just doing the Cat 4 race and seeing how far ahead I could get. . . .but I guess that would kind of be like doing a Citizen race in WORS for me. . . . .which just wouldn't be cool. So I'm now a Cat 3 cyclocross racer.


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