Thursday, September 21, 2006

Almost the weekend

It's almost Friday as I enter my last update for today. I was boycotting updating for a bit there, but then some of my "fans" called me on it and I figure I owe it to my fans. . . . .

Wednesday CK took off work and we hit Sheboygan for a ride. It's nice to have a slacker job sometimes. Although that can bite you on days when you work 12 hours straight, but Wednesday was not one of those days. . . . . . .and that was a good thing.

The course at Sheboygan is in pretty good shape. Leaf covered. . . . .but in good shape. I was the "seeing eye dog" on the first lap and of course I took a few wrong turns. . . . .oooops. . . .I was really testing CK's patience. . . . he passed - THIS time. Thankfully the second lap flowed nicely and then we were set.

Last year was my first attempt at "the jump". I remember riding there with SS Amy and Lori (aka "squirt" or "minigoat"). They tried their hardest to get me to do the jump but I was just too chicken. I didn't want anyone to see me do it. So I waited. . . .I waited until I was all alone. Then I sat up top of the hill for a good 15 minutes, talking myself into just DOING it. I was so scared. What a pansy I was.

This year I chickened out on the first lap. . . . .since I was with Jeff. . . . .I wanted to be able to do it on my own first. The second lap I went right over. Jumped it good. Just to make sure that it wasn't a fluke, I went back and did it 4 more times. Sweet. Now I'm even MORE excited for Sheboygan.

I know the results won't be what I want them to be this year, since I was derailed on my training. But it doesn't matter. Sheboygan is one of those places where you can just ride and feel like a rock star. I'm SO thankful I now have "skills". It makes riding SO much more fun. I think back to the last few years when I was lacking those skills. Even last year, being afraid of the jump. And now I think "what in the world was I ever afraid of??".

Hopefully Rapids will bring those same feelings out. . . . . .and hopefully they won't have to carry me off and give me oxygen. Coming back to do a 68 minute race is one thing. . . .but coming back to do an all out heart attack 90+ minute race is another. I hope my body is up for the challenge. My mind certainly is.

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