Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Weekend

Saturday was the 3 hour at Crystal Ridge. Lots of fun. Once again I forgot how to ride, and went back to being a citizen racer my first lap. Need more practice on the tight single track. SS Amy and I tooled around for a few laps. . . .annoying everyone around us being "girls" and chit chatting during our laps. 3 laps together and her back was bothering her, so I dug in solo for the 4th lap and called it a day. Squirt (aka Minigoat) tried to squeak 5 laps out, but missed the cut off by a few minutes. Somehow it didn't matter though. . . .since she smoked all the other gals anyway. Wrap the night up with some Mexican food, and what seems like a wonderful Saturday had me up a good part of the evening with stomach cramps. So much for sleeping.

5:45am came early this morning, as I think I had JUST fallen asleep! We rolled out of bed to get to Newburg for the River Valley ride. I signed up for 56, but my riding partner slept in and decided not to ride. . . . .PUNK. . . .so I decided on the 42 so I could ride with The Virgin and The General. Many laughs were had as always and the MOON even came out. Imagine that! In the middle of the day! Wrap the day up with a power nap and some dinner at the Texas Roadhouse (or so is the plan) and it ends up being not so bad of a weekend. Now if that stupid shooting pain down my leg would just go away so I could stand up like a normal person and not like someone who just crapped their pants, it would be heaven.


Anonymous said...

We also had a blast on the Newburg ride and thanks for riding along with us!!

Anonymous said...

Geeeez, what a loser. She slept in, you'll never catch me doing that......oh wait, never mind that last part!