Saturday, June 10, 2006

How much was mine?!?

Today I found out I'm a tad bit claustrophobic.

I also decided to race the 3 hour at Muir and found out the body wasn't really liking that option. Somehow I had 3 somewhat consistent laps with plenty of TIME for a 4th, but the legs, butt & back said "I don't think so". So I pulled out with 47 minutes to go. . . . .and took 2nd. I wouldn't have caught the #1 gal, she was fast. . . .she deserved it.

Then we hit Famous Daves to replenish. Me, Captain, General, Virgin, and JL (who we'll have to come up with a better nick name for). We had the GARBAGE can platter (of course) and for the record. . . .that IS enough for 5. You don't need the sampler plate as well. I think we spent as much in alcoholic beverages as we did on the garbage platter. It literally took the Virgin 20 minutes and 3 attempts with a calculator to figure our totals. And then we each charged them separately. . . .I think our waiter loved us. I'm pretty sure we were there longer than I raced today. . . . .and I think it was even a little more fun.

The General came up with a new drink (consisting of chicken carcasses & other unusual stuff). . . .and some blonde babe with big hooters tried to sit at our table and tell us about the Indy Car race on TV until her 13 year old child snatched her away. Too bad because I think she was just about to try the "new drink".

Well, tomorrow's a new day. It's also Squirt's birthday. I think she's 29? Yeah that's right, cuz she's only 2 years older than SS Amy, who's finally 27. Squirt (aka "minigoat") ditched the 'rents for us. Sweet.


Coffee King (CK) said...

Binge eating/drinking after a ride sounds like fun. The peanut butter at Muir sounds OK. And your race sounds like suffering that will make you stronger. Sorry that I missed it all for a date. Kewaunee, here we come!

MTB Girl said...

Chicks are $hit dude, when are you going to learn that?

Anonymous said...

I'm still full!!!, and how come my credit card was charge for the whole thing?


Coffee King (CK) said...

And why wasn't I there if John was paying??? Oh yeah, I was on a date...