Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Memories

I was just spending some time on this rainy morning reflecting on the joy my dad brought to my life while he was alive.

Although we didn't have much of a relationship while I was growing up, I'm quite thankful that we really got to know each other the last few years of his life. It's a little scary how alike we were. :-)

I found this picture this morning. . . . .at my sister's wedding, of the three of us.

I remember just watching him watching everyone else. He was definitely a "fade into the background" type of person. He didn't need the spotlight, didn't LIKE the spotlight actually. He liked to just blend in and observe. As I think about it, I guess I have those traits also. I have the gift of being able to fit into many different situations, mesh with all kinds of people. It's what makes Real Estate so good for me as a career I guess.

It's funny how it seems like the older I get, the more of his personality I seem to take on. I no longer need that center of attention, I no longer feel the need to make everyone laugh or to make everyone like me. I can sit and listen to everything else going on around me. . . . .watch everyone else, without feeling the need to make it all about me.

It really is true how age brings wisdom, peace and acceptance. The older I get, the more I learn about myself, the more comfortable I become with myself, my choices, my life. I believe I can thank my dad for a lot of these characteristics. Thanks Dad. :-)

Life is good.

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