Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another weekend gone by

Bill had Friday off so we managed to get some chores done around the home front. We took a little trip up to the Northern Kettles to chat with the DNR, did some "fall" cleaning and a few other misc items. Then we rounded the night out with a movie, Domestic Disturbance. It was pretty good. It was also good to SIT and do a little bit of nothing.

Saturday we headed up to Sumicao-Reforestation Camp. Stadium Bike had some Trek & Fisher demos, so we took those out for a spin. I took out a 29'er. It was hard to tell how it felt because the handlebars were about 12 inches too wide. Holy cow. They made SS Amy's handlebars look SMALL. I could barely maneuver through the trees. Any little correction on my part had the front wheel going ALL over the trail. But other than that, I guess it was ok. I think I could ride a 29'er without too much trouble.

Then it was off to the WORS banquet. Each year it gets a little better. Shorter presentations, faster awards, more swag. Bill walked out with some sweet pedals, I walked out with some "KULH" clothes. Our team scored some sweet plaques, we sat at "the good looking" table. . . .overall a pretty good night.

Sunday had Bill doing more chores and myself and Thunder escaping to watch the Washington Park Cross race. There were some pretty strange costumes that's for sure (gee, think I had my camera??). I'm not sure how some of those people wore what they did. . . . .it was pretty chili, that's for sure.

Now it's time to relax a little, watch some TV, stuff my face. . . .wish it were Friday all over.

1 comment:

bmxmtbfam said...

Yep you need smaller bars and have to flip the stem to put the HiFi into fast mode.