Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Weekend Fun

Saturday we hit this party. . . . . only after the scavenger hunt. It took us twice as long as normal to get there and even longer to get home due to the snow, but it was worth it to play guitar hero. I am now officially hooked.

Sunday we did our morning chores and took the advice of a wise mtb girl blog reader and set out on a hike in the snow. It was so peaceful and quiet, the sun was shining (almost obnoxiously) and the wind wasn't TOO bad in the woods. All in all it was a enjoyable time, except for the fact that I'm so out of shape we had to rest a few times.

Then Sunday afternoon we headed on down to the BIG CITY for the TSO concert. Bill and I can't remember how many years in a row we've gone, but it has to be at least 8 or 9. Each year they just get better. We met some peeps there and after an almost 3 hour concert, we headed out for some dinner.

Shooter was hungry as usual.

But cute none-the-less.
Christine was her usual friendly self.

And overall we were a pretty good looking group. . . . . .at least among the riffraff that was out that night.

All-in-all, a fun weekend. Despite a somewhat gloomy Saturday morning. . . . . . .the weekend ended up being a good time w/friends.


Dano said...

Every year I say I want to see TSO, but never do.

Whats up with that?

Anonymous said...

I'll have to bring the PS2 and guitar hero to the team party. That way we will all have something to laugh at.

Christine said...

Nice! Rock concerts bring out the best in me.

bubba said...

You out-jammed me bigtime at guitar hero.

Rock'n roll..............