Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Michelle won. THANK GOODNESS!!

While I don't like Vickie, I'm still happy that she was able to take off all that weight. I just hope she did it for the right reasons, like her HEALTH, vs just trying to win $250,000.

Losing weight isn't easy. Those of us who have tried know. And while some of us don't have as much to lose as others. . . .it's still a constant battle. Then if you're lucky enough to actually GET it off, it can creep back in an INSTANT if you're not watching every single move you make. THAT sucks. Especially if you're an active person who's already working out a decent amount of hours per week.

Oh well. I guess a few extra pounds is nothing compared to what some of these people had to go through. Awesome job to them. . . . .and to everyone who has had to WORK at being "healthy".

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