Thursday, December 04, 2008


How did it get to be almost Friday already?

What a week. Our AA is gone at the office (for 2 weeks) and I'm her fill in. That would be fine except this week everyone decided to WORK and there are a crap load of new listings. So those of you who think the real estate market is tanking, you are incorrect. In fact, did you SEE the rates today? Last time I looked they were at 5.125% for a 30 YEAR CONVENTIONAL LOAN. Holy shit!

But I digress. . . . . on top of all that, my dogs decided they were going to give me a heart attack and almost KILL each other tonight. T-Dog actually fought back when the mean, nearly 16 year old, almost blind, totally deaf dog attacked her for getting to close to some ice cubes which she thought was food. They went at it good. SO good we could hardly separate them. They were literally intertwined. Bill pulled the T-Dog off the old timer and she literally came with. Thunder had SUCH a death grip on Bear's neck that when he lifted her off, her paws actually pulled Bear off the ground. It was a little scary for me.

I can't believe Bear would attack Thunder because of an ice cube. That's messed up. She doesn't even LIKE ice cubes! Between that and pi$$ing and crapping every 30 minutes, that dog is wearing on our last nerves. I think there is a reason most dogs don't live to be this old.

Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day. I hope it's a better one too. It should be. . . . .we're expecting the arrival of the newest member of our "circle of peeps" some time VERY soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No trip to the emergency vet? Consider yourself lucky! We've just about had to have an ear sewn back on one of our dogs over things like a ball. The best part of it is two minutes later the dog that did the damage always has a guilty look and tries to fix the injured dog.