Friday, January 09, 2009

Yes, I know

Yes, I know, I don't update anymore. It just seems like there is so much other stuff going on and I'm stretched between so many places, taking the time to update my blog just hasn't seemed important.

What's new with me? Well, I'm finding the state of the economy very interesting as of recently. Everywhere you turn there are self-help shows, financial seminars, webinars, tons of "free" information on how to turn things around. If so many people have access to all this free information, why is the economy still a mess?

And how about that show - Biggest Loser? It's my favorite show. I'm inspired by the people who have the courage to go on it and make these life changes. But I also think it gives the "average" person a completely false sense of reality. Sure they have these ball-breaking workout sessions, but that's not all they do. I'm certain they have to also be doing hours of easy cardio in addition. And what do they eat? You can be SURE they don't eat candy, sweets, cheese, lots of pasta, etc. But they don't take us through that, do they? They leave the average viewer thinking "if I can work out this hard I will see these results too". WRONG.

How about this weather? What is with this cold?? I'm ok with the snow, but do we NEED to have single digit temps next week? Yikes! I don't like the extreme cold (which is anything below 20).

And why do people make New Year's resolutions? Shouldn't you be doing these things every day to make your life better? Why wait until the new year to "decide" to get fit, or to stop eating junk food, or to work out more or whatever. People have these unrealistic expectations every year and they end up letting themselves down. I don't understand.

I did steal one wonderful idea for 2009 though. An old friend of mine has adopted the slogan "Simplify and Ecofy in 2009". I decided I REALLY like this motto. Again, it's simple, and it's what we all SHOULD be doing. . . . .but I'm not. And I think I'm going to start trying to.

That's my two cents worth. I'll see if I can shorten the gap for the next update. That's if anyone cares to read them. :-)


Big Steve said...

Was bopping around the blogs to see what everyone has been up to and to make sure that there was still life out there and then leave little comments along the way.

New Year's Resolutions? My sentiments exactly. Wasn't much different from my entry. You're dead-on as far as I'm concerned.

Think warm. Remember, we're already gaining more minutes of daylight every day and we really aren't that far from Daylight Savings.

Christine said...

your blog is the first and last blog I read for the day :-)